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September 29, 2019

My journey of grief and how working with a coach supports you

I have been affected by the death of my friend Pia in May this year. Grief was dwelling up in my life like I had never experienced before. It felt as if I was captured in a cloud, some days a thin one, one that I could break through easily and then have a joyful day. But on other days the cloud was too thick and I went through the day on low energy and lack of joy and peace.

My coach from YOUR HIDDEN MIND, Brian Phillips, accepted working with me on my grief and what he helped me find out was, that I had not grieved on few other experiences in my life.

I had never allowed myself to grieve over the loss of my biological father. An absent father who I have no memory of.

The grief over the loss of my grandmother who was the light of my early childhood.

The grief of my divorce which is the „loss of my husband“ and many more.

Within a few weeks I realized that I had in MY HIDDEN MIND a pandora's box called grief and that I was scared, very scared, to open it. The day arrived and I did open it, terrified of what would happen next. But nothing terrifying happened. All the grief captured in the box looked at me in joy, opened its' wings and flew right up to the sky and into the sun. The grief I had stored for so long was finally freed, and with it I have freed myself from grief and the fear of grieving.

The next day I woke up with a smile, a big smile, for the first time in a long time.

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