March 29, 2019

The unexpected

Here I am, enjoying my time in this amazingly beautiful country Costa Rica. Every day is filled with miracles, with beauty, with smells, shapes, colors and at times overwhelmingly many new things.

Then comes the message of a friend who has devastating health news.

How can I handle such a situation?

First I cry, I hug a cushion thinking of her and rocking myself  back to a more peaceful place.  Breathing deeply, releasing the emotional pain and putting myself together again. This is when I have the strength to call my friend and offer my support.

She is a good and dear friend of mine. We have a common language, similar values and we both see the beauty and the blessings of life. We agreed to not focus on the tragedy of the situation but on how to find solutions to support her on an emotional level due to the physical distance we have right now.

This is what I am going to do: Keep her in my thoughts, sending her healing energy, share some of my adventures on my end and hold space for her whenever she needs it.

Let me know how you handle such unexpected situations? What helped you and what didn't?

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