What if a breakdown turns out to be the chance to start a new page in your life?

What if the new page of your life turns out to be the best time of your life so far?

My breakdown was my wake-up call.

I was over 50 years and asked myself: Do I want to continue living my life in the same way as I have the last 15 years? Or, do I want to change something? Do I have the courage to try something new?

Before I found answers to my questions, I had a breakdown, which made me realize that I not only wanted to change my life, but ultimately, build a new life.

This breakdown set me on a quest to learn how to improve and change my life.

It took some time to find my way out of the dark place I was in. I read every book on personal development I found, invested in coaching, attended seminars and workshops in Switzerland,  Europe and the US, and studied High Performance and energy work.

I wrote for countless hours until I found the patterns that had been embedded in my subconscious from growing up in an abusive household. These patterns had negatively affected every single decision I have made in my life.

I worked tirelessly to overcome these patterns, but every once in a while, they got hold on me again.

As the proverb says “If the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Then I was found by YOUR HIDDEN MIND. I started to work with this system for a few minutes on a daily basis.

Within a few months I found myself making different decisions, meeting different kinds of people, and living a more balanced life. I no longer struggle with dark thoughts or getting distracted from my priorities. Overall, I experience more joy, fulfillment, and focus in all areas of life.

And finally, I lost all my fears about becoming an entrepreneur. I gained the courage to speak in public and share my journey and experiences with others. I am now on a mission to spread light in the world through coaching others in YOUR HIDDEN MIND.
