February 10, 2022

Blame and Pain

Have you ever been blamed?
Have you ever blamed someone?
Probably we all did…. Both ways!
Being blamed is a painful experience.
Blaming someone too is painful.

Only if I am hurt by someone’s behavior will I blame them.
Only if some is hurt by my behavior will I get blamed.
Weather I blamed someone consciously or unconsciously doesn’t matter….
The pain is there.
It hurts.
It’s a shock, a painful shock.

How can I avoid the blame game?
By asking questions.
By avoiding assumptions.
With compassion for the other person.
However, the pain remains.

How do I handle such a situation?

Old me
Cry, get angry, upset, furious, scream and shout etc, ending up depressed.

New me
Do a RAP, cry
Do another RAP cry some more
Do one more RAP, go for a walk

Its not a fun walk but the energy has shifted.
Breathing deeply and releasing the tension.
And sometimes life shows me something that will cheer me up.

Have a wonderful day,
See the wonders on your way!

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