I now can find my inner balance more easily

Dr. Rahel, lawer

Esther was an amazingly supportive coach. She was very generous with her time - her coaching was just what I needed. When I talked to her the first time I felt so lost,  I just had left my fiancé and moved into a new place all by myself. Getting up every morning was the hardest. Also, I was worried I might end up losing everything - my job my independence and everything I had fought for so hard. 

Now, six months later I still have days where I feel that life can be challenging. However, Esther has given me the tools to live through those moments. I now can find my inner balance more easily. I no longer struggle to get up in the mornings due to her help.

Asking the right questions to free you from your blocks

Ameeda d. UK

Esther is a professional coach with immense empathy patience and is a natural in drawing clarity from her clients. She uses a gentle manner to settle you down and through her readings she is able to ask the right questions to free you from your blocks by helping you analyse what they are. She follows up on your progress and is ready to support you with another session or encouragement. In short she is Magic! I have found that I no longer have to mediate for others or take on the responsibilities of the world thus freeing me to be more effective and still have time to support my dear ones.

Working with her is delightful


Esther has a soothing demeanour. Working with YOUR HIDDEN MIND SYSTEM allows you to relax and go deeply within so that old experiences are safe to surface.

Esther is so patient and encouraging. Working with her is delightful.

I highly recommend Esther as a Coach


I have had the privilege to work  with Esther. She is a great Coach with wonderful insights. She introduced me to Your Hidden Mind system that allowed me to begin the work to change the subconscious beliefs that held me back. I highly recommend Esther as a Coach for someone who is looking for a genuine, kind and compassionate person to work with on their personal development.

She helped me discover my own truth

Dr Rosemary Degner

For several years I have had an amazing personal growth relationship with Esther Uhlmann. After spending thousands of dollars on coaching services, I realised the need for a coach who could guide me into my past for healing. Esther was the perfect match for me because of qualities that she consistently demonstrated during our coaching interactions. Her compassion and understanding helped me move past the crippling grief of the death of my husband.

Since Esther began coaching me, I have released old hurts and experiences that held me back for decades. The result has been a sense of freedom and joy because the chains that imprisoned me are now broken.

Esther has a gentle spirit. With kindness and the non-judgmental approach of Your Hidden Mind, Esther spoke goodness and support into my life. Her approach to coaching never told me what to do. Instead, she helped me discover my own truth.
